The Impact of Stigma on People with Addiction:
​The Effect on Policy & Practice
13th October 2021
NHS Addictions Provider Alliance
2021 Annual Conference
The NHS APA invites you to join us at our free and virtual conference on the 13th October 2021.
Stigma all too often prevents a person from seeking or accessing the vital treatment and support they need to recover from addiction.
Addressing the problem of stigma, which has clouded addiction treatment services for far too long, is a critical element to improving understanding of the complex issues surrounding addiction and a vital step in improving access to treatment and services.
Our 2021 conference is about spotlighting the problem of stigma and aims to consider;
The impact of stigma on people living with addiction;
How stigma impacts access to treatment and services;
How stigma influences the way policies and practices are set;
How can we as a sector begin to overcome these challenges and change public perceptions around drug and alcohol treatment services.
How the disconnect with the rest of the health care economy perpetuates stigma.
Our 2021 conference will explore these questions through a range of speakers and presentations both from clinical professionals as well as those who have lived experience of stigma.
This event will be provided online and for free for all delegates. Register your place today.
We look forward to you joining us on the 13th October 2021.

Confirmed Guest Speakers

Danny Hames
NHS APA Chair, Danny Hames, will open the 2021 conference
Professor Dame Carol Black
Keynote Speaker
Panel Q&A
Panel Q&A with Professor Dame Carol Black, Oliver Standing, Chris Lee, Tim Sampey and Vivienne Evans

Addiction Service User Research Group
Represented by Jo Neale, Paul Lennon & Mel Getty

Sohan Sahota
Managing Director & Co-founder of BAC-IN CIC

Gord Garner
Vice President of Strategic Partnerships of the Community Addictions Peer Support Association (CAPSA)
Louise Hansford
Hep C U Later Elimination Coordinator

English Substance Use Commissioners Group
Represented by Niamh Cullen, Kim Hager & Lisa Byrne

College of Lived Experience Recovery Organisations
Represented by Dr Ed Day, Stuart Green, Tim Sampey, Dave Higham, Tim Leighton & Michaela Jones
Dr Ed Day
Keynote speaker
Panel Q&A
Panel Q&A with Dr Ed Day, Karen Biggs, Jon Shorrock, Dr Derrett Watts and Professor Sarah Galvani

NHS Inpatient Network (IPN)
Represented by Cathy Lovatt, Dr Annie McCloud, Mark Holmes, Dr Derrett Watts and Stuart Green
Dublin CityWide Campaign
Prof Catherine Comiskey, Gary Broderick, Paula Kearney and Anna Quigley
Working With Everyone
Represented by founder member April Wareham & Gemma Cooke
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Represented by Dr Caroline Hoult & Dr Colm Gallagher
Sponsorship opportunities
For this years' annual conference, which is focusing on Stigma, we are anticipating between 500 and 800 delegates attending from all across the UK and internationally.
Previous NHS APA conferences have attracted Directors of Public Health, Substance Misuse workers, Public Health Commissioners, CCG leads, Drug & Alcohol Recovery Managers, Directors of Operations, Senior Managers & Decision Makers, Partnership Coordinators, Behaviour Support Managers, Academics, Health Sectors, Local Authorities, Voluntary Sector, Treatment Funders, Researchers and Policy Makers.
To see previous year’s events please visit our 2020 conference pages.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event, there are multiple levels of sponsorship available. Depending on the package you choose, you may also have a dedicated sponsor page that is linked to the main conference page, alongside multiple other features to ensure the prominence of your company name or product.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please download our sponsorship booklet and contact us with any further enquiries.
The deadline to apply to be a sponsor or exhibitor for the 2021 conference has now been extended to the 20th September 2021.
Please note: The NHS APA is a not for profit organisation and operates a fair policy with regard to sponsorship. Organisations wishing to sponsor the conference will be reviewed and assessed in terms of the NHS APA’s ethical guidelines and standards prior to sponsorship being agreed.
Showcase your research
This year our APA 2021 conference will include a digital exhibition for showcasing a campaign paper or body of research. This is an excellent opportunity to disseminate your research with an audience of 500-800 delegates working within the drug and alcohol treatment sector- you will also be able to provide a short summary of your research and contact details for any follow-up enquiries which are generated from the exhibition.
The cost for exhibiting is a one-off payment of £50, with this fee the NHS APA can continue to support free events and conferences such as this for years to come.
Click below to submit your exhibition proposal and paper.
Please note: The deadline to apply to be an exhibitor for the 2021 conference is: 20th September 2021