about nhs apa
about us
We believe that, as a group of NHS Providers from across the UK, we will be more effective in positively contributing to the addictions treatment and support sector than as individuals.
We work collaboratively with service users, carers and other organisations who are committed to making a positive difference to the on-going development of the addictions field, including within drug, alcohol, gambling and gaming treatment and support.
Previously known as the NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance, the remit of the alliance, along with the name, was recently changed to enable us to contribute more broadly to the field of addictions.
The NHS Inpatient Network is a subgroup of the alliance, created to provide a voice and advocacy for the 5 remaining NHS Inpatient Detox Units in England. NHS APA is also developing clinical chambers for Medical Leads across NHS APA Members' services.
Inaugurated in 2016, NHS Addictions Provider Alliance is a membership body with all NHS providers of addictions services across the UK welcome to join us.
our team

Danny Hames
In addition to Chairing NHS APA since its inception in 2016, Danny is Head of Inclusion, part of NHS Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust.

Becky Harris
Vice Chair
Becky is Co-Vice Chair of the NHS APA and a Systemic Family Psychotherapist and Manager. Becky has worked in CNWL’s Addictions Directorate since 2004, providing both inpatient and community therapy to people and their families.

Teresa Wirz
Vice Chair
Teresa is Co-Vice Chair of the NHS APA and Head of the Central and North West London NHS Addictions Directorate, where she leads an array of services, including 20 teams dedicated to supporting individuals facing addiction.

Peter Keeling
Policy & Development Manager
Peter helps to develop, shape, and implement policy within the NHS APA.

Candie Lincoln
Project Manager
Candie manages the development and delivery of NHS APA's, programmes, projects and campaigns. Candie is also Development officer at Inclusion, part of NHS Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust.
impact and achievements
Main point of contact and in regular contact on behalf of NHS addiction providers with the Home Office, Department of Health, Public Health England and Royal Colleges.
Representation at Public Health England working groups.
Expert witnesses provided the Health Select Committee and Justice Select Committees..
Coordinated responses across NHS APA members to a number of policy consultations related to addictions.
Delivery of an annual Best Practice Conference.
Provide the facility to promote addictions vacancies across our platforms.
Publish regular blog and comment pieces from the NHS provider perspective.
Produced “Clinical Guidelines and reducing drug related deaths” document with PHE and Collective Voice.
A key partner and member of the reference group carrying out phase 2 of the Dame Carol Black Review.
Development of an alliance-wide programme to eliminate Hepatitis C in member services by 2023.
Development of shared learning forums, resources and campaigns during Covid 19.
our impact
Since its inception in 2016, NHS APA has strived to make a positive difference to the addictions treatment and support sector and its service users.
The NHS APA membership:
provides drug and alcohol services in 35 local authority areas nationally
Provides drug and alcohol services in 43 prisons nationally
Employs 1933 staff nationwide working in addiction services
Provides 4 Inpatient Detox Units serving the most vulnerable and complex patients
Gambling Services receive approximately 900 referrals working with most complex clients in the gambling treatment system
Has over 200 volunteers supporting NHS APA member addiction services at any time
View some of the alliance's key achievements to date below.

our members

join us
We're pleased to be welcoming new NHS Addictions Provider Alliance Members from across the UK. We provide drug and alcohol services in 35 local authority areas, 43 prisons & 4 Inpatient Detox Units, serving the most vulnerable and complex patients nationally.
We employ over 1933 members of staff nationwide specialising in addiction services and are proud to have more than 200 volunteers supporting NHS APA member addiction services at any time.
To find out more about our fantastic member benefits and how you can join the alliance, please fill out the contact form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
supporting the alliance
support us
There are several ways you can support the alliance:
Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin and like our page on Facebook. Once you're following us, please share our content to spread the word about our programmes and campaigns.
Sponsor our events or programmes. Please contact us to find out more about sponsorship opportunities.
Attend our events
Contribute to our blog. If you've got a great idea for a blog, please get in touch.
Join our mailing list to stay up to date with our news.