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1 min read
Watch On Demand: Session 2 of the 2020 NHS APA Virtual Conference
In this session we will be joined by expert speakers Hardyal Dhindsa, Nicola Dalton and Professor David Best.
1 min read
Watch On Demand: Session 1 of the 2020 NHS APA Virtual Conference
Watch Session 1 featuring Danny Hames, Dr Ed Day and Matthew Gaskell.
4 min read
NHS APA 2020 Virtual Conference: a useful guide for delegates
Here is a useful guide for how to make the most out of the day's events.
1 min read
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust on the evolution of the alliance
Watch Claire Murdoch explain what the evolution means to them as alliance members.
1 min read
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust on the evolution of the alliance
Watch Dr Chris Daly explain what the evolution means to Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust as a Member of the alliance.
1 min read
Why we have evolved.
Over the last four years, the alliance has grown, has developed, and has changed. Now, it is has evolved. Watch our Chair explain more.
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Neil Carr OBE supports the evolution of NHS APA.
Watch Neil Carr OBE, Chief Executive of Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust, explain what the evolution means to them.
1 min read
We Have Evolved
New name. New aims. New Potential. We are the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance.
1 min read
NHS APA response to the announcement of the National Institute for Health Protection
"In whatever form this takes, we would advocate for the maintenance of this specialist expertise in service of addictions..."
1 min read
Dr Ed Day Announced as Key Note Speaker For NHS APA Virtual Conference 2020
Dr Day will address the importance of building a partnership between professionals and people with lived experience in overcoming addiction.
7 min read
A RADAR model within NHS Inpatient Detox Units
The RADAR model developed by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust showcases the innovative services NHS IPUs provide.
3 min read
Working Together Across Dorset To Eliminate Hepatitis C During The Covid 19 Pandemic
Providers across Dorset formed an innovative cross-provider partnership that is enabling the Dorset HCV Elimination Project to continue.
4 min read
Smoking Cessation Support in Manchester’s homeless hotels during COVID-19
GMHSCP’s smoking cessation programme provides support to the city's homeless population to reduce infection risk during Covid-19.
1 min read
We are Evolving
Over the last four years, the NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance has grown, has developed and has changed. Next, it is going to evolve.
1 min read
Hardyal Dhindsa: 'A Police and Crime Commissioners perspective of Covid-19' at our Annual Conference
At our virtual Annual Conference, Hardyal Dhindsa will be talking about his perspective on Covid-19 as an opportunity to recover.
2 min read
Supervised Dispensing after Covid-19
How do we incorporate the lessons learned from the changes to supervised dispensary during the pandemic?
6 min read
The Challenges Faced by NHS Inpatient Detox Units
The future of the 5 remaining NHS Inpatient Detox Units remains critically uncertain.
2 min read
NHS APA's #NewHappyHour campaign supports sensible alcohol consumption during the pandemic
The NHS APA #NewHappyHour campaign has been shared nationally, providing tips and advice for people managing their alcohol intake during the
6 min read
The Vital Importance of the Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist role within Addiction Services
The role of the Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist is uniquely commissioned in the NHS and is an indisputable asset.
7 min read
What are NHS Inpatient Units and how do they differ to other detoxification services in England?
The survival of NHS IPUs is a matter of life or death for service users and their loved ones yet their very existance is under threat.
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