4 minPushing the buttons to treat gaming disordersThe first NHS clinic to treat children & young adults who are addicted to gaming.
4 minDr Ed Day’s optimism for the future of Recovery SystemsDr Ed Day addresses the importance of building a partnership between professionals and people with lived experience in overcoming addiction.
2 minBen Parker: A Service User StoryFormer service user, and now a peer mentor, Ben Parker shares his story of drug addiction and recovery.
5 minThe problem in dual diagnosis We need to look at why individuals living with an addiction and a co-existing mental health disorder easily slip through the system.
4 minGambling Health Alliance calls for paid-for loot boxes to be classed as gamblingA survey conducted by the GHA found that 75 percent of young gamers believe buying a loot box is bad for their health.
3 minNicola Dalton from Achieve: A Service User StoryAs part of AAW 2020 Nicola shares her experience of addiction services which in turn led her to volunteer with Achieve, part of GMMH.
2 minAlcohol Awareness Week 2020: Looking at Alcohol and Mental HealthThe theme of this year’s campaign is ‘Alcohol and mental health'.
4 minRecord rise in drug deaths in England & Wales highlights urgency to review fundingThe number of drug-related deaths has reached a record-high in England and Wales, as drug treatment services funding continues to decrease.
4 minMatt Zarb-Cousin: How My Gambling Addiction Drew Me Into Activism30 year old Matt Zarb-Cousin is a recovered gambling addict, turned activist, lobbying for reform to gambling legislation.
3 minTake 20 to Talk about Mental Health this #WorldMentalHealthDayNHS APA members, Inclusion, use in-house mental health expertise to support staff during Covid-19 pandemic.
6 minThe Challenges Faced by NHS Inpatient Detox UnitsThe future of the 5 remaining NHS Inpatient Detox Units remains critically uncertain.
1 minUnderstanding mental health issues is key to effective substance misuse servicesToo often, substance misuse starts as an ill-advised coping strategy.