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#KeepTheFewNHSIPUs campaign – our impact so far

The #KeepTheFewNHSIPUs campaign is focused on securing the future funding of NHS Inpatient Units, which bring the most vulnerable people with severe drug and alcohol addiction back from the brink of death.

Here is a summary of the campaign’s impact so far and you can show your support by signing and sharing the #KeepTheFewNHSIPUs campaign.

  • 2019: The NHS Inpatient Network was formed in order to find a sustainable funding solution for the five remaining NHS inpatient units. This remains the primary goal of the alliance.

  • July 2020: Tier 4 Business Case backed with case studies is created and submitted to NHS England alongside supporter organisations.

  • July 2020: The #KeepTheFewNHSIPUs campaign is launched. To date it has gained over 1,000 signatures and continues to receive support from the public and across the addictions treatment sector.

  • August 2020: Press coverage and media attention hits at all-time high appearing in industry publications, medical journals and interest from mainstream media.

  • September 2020: The #KeepTheFewNHSIPUs campaign receives messages of support from leading addictions spokespersons: Crispin Blunt MP, Chairman of the CDPRG, Dr Ed Day National Recovery Champion and Professor Colin Drummond.

  • September 2020: NHS IPN members present at the NHS APA 2020 Conference raising awareness and support for the campaign.

  • January 2021: The NHS IPN campaign has successfully raised its profile and brought attention to the challenges we face nationally through support from Public Health England, NHS England, charitable organisations and through the Dame Carol Black Review.

  • January 2021: Government announces £80 million for drug treatment services. This provides a short term additional funding solution and placements for inpatient detox which has decreased significantly over the last 10 years.

  • March 2021: NHS IPN Chair, Jon Shorrock, presents at a Collective Voice webinar on how Tier 4 services can be better supported alongside other experts in the field.

  • March 2021: The NHS IPN develop a paper on how the additional funding and proposed regional funding model might be effectively implemented and start conversations with the English Substance Use Commissioners Group, DHSC and PHE on how this might be progressed.


The future does look brighter but there is still a long way to go. Watch this space to chart our progress, and please do show your support by signing and sharing the #KeepTheFewNHSIPUs campaign.



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