About the session
Welcome to the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance 2020 Virtual Conference. Three breakout sessions take place simultaneously during the morning, all of which are available to watch here:
1: How has COVID-19 changed OST? What have we learned and what do we keep?
Presented by Dr Georges Petitjean, Dr Emily Finch and Dr Jonathan Dewhurst
2: Hep C U Later
Presented by Paul Bagot, Louise Hansford and Simon Morton from Hep C U Later.
3: The establishment of the Covid-19 pan-London Homeless Hotel Drug & Alcohol Support Service
Presented by Dr Emmert Roberts.
#DrGeorgesPetitjean #DrEmilyFinch #HepCULater #homelessness #harmreduction #recovery #2020Conference #events #DrJonathanDewhurst #OST #drugs #HepC