2 minBen Parker: A Service User StoryFormer service user, and now a peer mentor, Ben Parker shares his story of drug addiction and recovery.
5 minNHS Inpatient Detox Units Face Closure Without Urgent Funding ReformThe five remaining NHS inpatient detox units (IPUs) in England could permanently close without urgent changes to the way they are funded.
4 minNHS Inpatient Units: A Service User StoryPatryk, a service user, describes his story of recovery and why he believes it is essential that we #KeepTheFewNHSIPUs
7 min#KeepTheFewNHSIPUs Messages of SupportRead messages of support for the #KeepTheFewNHSIPUs and pledge your support for the campaign.
1 minWatch On Demand: Session 3 of the 2020 NHS APA Virtual ConferenceIn this session we are joined by Kirstie Douse from Release, Ben Parker as well as Professor Colin Drummond with the NHS Inpatient Network.
7 minA RADAR model within NHS Inpatient Detox UnitsThe RADAR model developed by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust showcases the innovative services NHS IPUs provide.
7 minWhat are NHS Inpatient Units and how do they differ to other detoxification services in England?The survival of NHS IPUs is a matter of life or death for service users and their loved ones yet their very existance is under threat.