About the session
Welcome to the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance Virtual Conference 2023. In this session, Danny Hames, NHS APA Chair, opened the conference and introduced our keynote speaker, Dan Carden MP, Liverpool Walton - Chair of Drugs, Alcohol & Justice APPG, Vice-Chair of Alcohol Harm APPG and member of the Children of Alcoholics APPG.
We were also joined by our expert panel: Dot Smith - CEO of Recovery Connections; Dr Emily Finch - Addictions Clinical Academic Group (CAG) Clinical Director; Mike Hardy - Programme Manager (Substance Use), Lincolnshire Public Health Team and Jon Findlay - National Harm Reduction Lead for Humankind.
Session Agenda
Introduction to the NHS APA Conference 2023 - presented by NHS APA Chair, Danny Hames
Keynote speech - presented by Dan Carden MP
Live panel Q&A - presented by Danny Hames, Dot Smith, Dr Emily Finch, Mike Hardy and Jon Findlay