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what does

good look like

during and after Covid-19?

NHS Addictions Provider Alliance

2020 Annual Conference

Due to Covid-19, this year's conference will take place online and free of charge for all on 9th September 2020.

NHS APA invites you to join us at our free and virtual conference on the 9th September.


Over the last few years addiction services and those who use them have experienced great upheaval. This has most obviously been seen in reduced capacity across health, social care and the voluntary sector – often due to budgets being reduced and repurposed – the experience of many community drug and alcohol services reflect this story recently.


Promisingly, an awareness and acceptance with regards to a growing need for addiction services for those experiencing problems with gambling is now rightfully significant also. Covid-19 and its implications only go to amplify existing need and accelerates the challenge for addiction services which is to build new ways of working for those affected and to refresh and renew what we do.


The 2020 virtual conference is about catching our breath, stepping back and thinking 'What does good look like?'


Those who use our services should expect the best quality services we can provide. Therefore, we are posing the following questions: What do these services look like now? What is available? What expertise and skills do staff need to provide them? What do service users expect? The conference will explore these questions through a range of speakers and presentations – we look forward to you joining us.


If you have already registered your interest you will automatically have been issued an official place at the conference - please check your emails for a confirmation message or contact us if you need any assistance.

running order

morning session 1: 9.15 - 10.10

NHS APA Chair, Danny Hames
Dr Ed Day
Matthew Gaskell

morning session 2: 10.15 - 11.15

Hardyal Dhinsa
Nicola Dalton
Dr David Best

coffee break

On-demand content

breakout sessions:


Dr Georges Petitjean, Dr Emily Finch, Dr Jonathan Dewhurst
Dr Emmert Roberts
Hep C U Later

lunch break

On-demand content

afternoon session 1: 12.30 - 13.40

Kirstie Douse
Ben Parker
NHS Inpatient Network

breakout sessions:


coffee break

afternoon session 2: 14.30 - 15.30

Tracy Braddock and Kersti Dolphin
Becky Harris and Dr Rebecca Lockwood​
On-demand content
Peter Birkinshaw
Panel Q&A
NHS APA Chair, Danny Hames

thank you to our sponsors

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Please note, Gilead Sciences, Ethypharm and Camurus have provided sponsorship of this event but provided no input into the programme.

The views and opinions of the speakers are not necessarily those of Gilead Sciences, Camurus or Ethypharm.  


Conference Disclaimer

For the avoidance of doubt, the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance (NHS APA) Conference on the 9th of September 2020, shall be referred to throughout this disclaimer as a “Virtual Conference Event”. By joining any of the Virtual Conference Event sessions or accessing and of the Virtual Conference Event web pages, you consent to all of the following terms and conditions. 


Some of the Virtual Conference Event sessions may include sensitive material. Presenters may express a wide variety of opinions and views which do not necessarily represent the opinions and views of the Company or the Company or the Client and/or you as an individual.

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